archival content


this website is a treasure trove of content. use it to your advantage! i currently host the following things:


i archive and store as much data as i possibly can, and make as much use of that space as possible. but why?

while many people will scroll through apps such as tiktok, and laugh at passing trends which fade into obscurity, i save each one which i believe may have cultrual significance.

it's the small things that i remember and wish i had saved. thus, i aim to preserve our generation in media, whether it be the college/political ads of our time, or simple things such as tiktoks.


this section contains pgp signed messages to updates about me or the services i host. you may verify the messages on my other website, or find a copy of my public key. all messages are in plaintext.

if you would like to browse some of the updates i have released, please click below.

update 001


if you have a dmca takedown notice to send, for any and all content in my archive, please know i take these requests seriously.

simply send an email to, and the content on my archive will be removed

all content on this website is used for fair use purposes only. this website does not make money, nor intend to.

browser friendly

a proud member of the orange team of 512KB club

this website is part of, a collection of websites that are under 512 kilobytes in size.

for you, this means the pages you access will load fast and not consume as much energy to be served to you!